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Our Patients’ Stories

The comments and observations below are informative stories from our patients to our patients. They describe the results of successful treatment and demonstrate the effectiveness of a patient-centered effort to relieve pain, restore health and regain the mind-body balance so essential to Oriental Medicine.

I was experiencing pain with sciatica down my right leg and also had a torn rotator cuff on my right shoulder. I went to physical therapy and would say my sciatica pain was reduced by approximately fifty percent. My physical therapist suggested that I try acupuncture and gave me Vel's contact information. Vel explained the process and the expected results. After the first acupuncture appointment, I felt immediate relief in my leg and back, by the fifth appointment I experienced 95% relief! Having experienced such positive results for my sciatica, I asked Vel if he would work on my torn rotator cuff. I had been experiencing pain at night and could not sleep through the night because of the pain. Vel utilized acupuncture in conjunction with guasha and cupping therapies and within three appointments I was sleeping through the night and canceled the surgery to repair my shoulder. I am thrilled with how much Vel has helped me heal, and his manner and explanations are excellent. I recommend Vel whole heartedly to anyone looking for relief and healing. I feel very fortunate that he is my area, as I think he is a specialist who is very skilled with Oriental medicine. Thank you Vel. — Patricia J.

Patricia's Story | Sciatica & Torn Rotator

I was experiencing pain with sciatica down my right leg and also had a torn rotator cuff on my right shoulder. I went to physical therapy and would say my sciatica pain was reduced by approximately fifty percent. My physical therapist suggested that I try acupuncture and gave me Vel’s contact information. Vel explained the process and the expected results. After the first acupuncture appointment, I felt immediate relief in my leg and back, by the fifth appointment I experienced 95% relief!

Having experienced such positive results for my sciatica, I asked Vel if he would work on my torn rotator cuff. I had been experiencing pain at night and could not sleep through the night because of the pain. Vel utilized acupuncture in conjunction with guasha and cupping therapies and within three appointments I was sleeping through the night and canceled the surgery to repair my shoulder. I am thrilled with how much Vel has helped me heal, and his manner and explanations are excellent. I recommend Vel whole heartedly to anyone looking for relief and healing. I feel very fortunate that he is my area, as I think he is a specialist who is very skilled with Oriental medicine. Thank you Vel.
— Patricia J.
Maria, our 16-year-old daughter, has suffered with anxiety since early childhood. As she entered her teenage years, we noticed Maria withdrawing from the family and always seemed to be in a bad mood. She felt distracted in school, unable to finish her homework and was generally unmotivated. We sought help and Maria was diagnosed with ADD. Her medicine helped with her overall focus, but she still suffered from anxiety. She even had physical issues including a tightening, clicking jaw as well as circulation and digestion problems. Maria herself had read about the benefits of acupuncture and asked to try it. When she began therapy with Vel, he asked her a series of questions and made a physical evaluation. He seemed to know exactly what was going on, and began a treatment plan of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Very quickly, Maria's condition improved. We were happy with her progress and the positive effects. In fact, we have noticed an overall change in her mood, behavior and family interaction. She just seems to have a more optimistic view on life. She even told me that she couldn't remember the last time she felt anxious. I never thought I would hear that from her. Thanks Vel for all you did for Maria. It was life changing! — Janet S.

Maria's Story | ADD & Anxiety

Maria, our 16-year-old daughter, has suffered with anxiety since early childhood. As she entered her teenage years, we noticed Maria withdrawing from the family and always seemed to be in a bad mood. She felt distracted in school, unable to finish her homework and was generally unmotivated. We sought help and Maria was diagnosed with ADD. Her medicine helped with her overall focus, but she still suffered from anxiety. She even had physical issues including a tightening, clicking jaw as well as circulation and digestion problems. Maria herself had read about the benefits of acupuncture and asked to try it. When she began therapy with Vel, he asked her a series of questions and made a physical evaluation. He seemed to know exactly what was going on, and began a treatment plan of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Very quickly, Maria’s condition improved. We were happy with her progress and the positive effects. In fact, we have noticed an overall change in her mood, behavior and family interaction. She just seems to have a more optimistic view on life. She even told me that she couldn’t remember the last time she felt anxious. I never thought I would hear that from her.

Thanks Vel for all you did for Maria. It was life changing!
— Janet S.
I presented with intense heel pain related to a bone spur that had not responded to traditional western protocols. Vel achieved what western medicine couldn’t—dialing down the pain quotient to a level that allows me to function normally. I appreciated his patient-centered approach and especially the proactive way he coordinated treatment with another practitioner to maximize my outcomes. Mr. Natarajan has the mind and manner of a true healer, one who listens to his patient, thinks about root causes and addresses the mind/body link. — Laurel K.

Laurel K's Story | Bone Spur

I presented with intense heel pain related to a bone spur that had not responded to traditional western protocols. Vel achieved what western medicine couldn’t—dialing down the pain quotient to a level that allows me to function normally. I appreciated his patient-centered approach and especially the proactive way he coordinated treatment with another practitioner to maximize my outcomes. Mr. Natarajan has the mind and manner of a true healer, one who listens to his patient, thinks about root causes and addresses the mind/body link.
— Laurel K.
I want to put in a strong recommendation for Vel Natarajan's acupuncture treatments. I have known Vel over 9 years and have found him to be one of the smartest and most sensible humans I know. So when I heard Vel was leaving the business world to study acupuncture and oriental medicine, I definitely took notice. If Vel thought oriental medicine was legit, it must be.
 Overcoming my innate fear of needles and pain, I decided to try acupuncture. I've had a bum shoulder for about 20 years and had just chalked it up to old age and arthritis, but this past summer it got worse and I couldn't even swim. After 3 treatments with Vel my shoulder no longer has pain, and I have complete range of motion. I am so pleased that I thought I should spread the word. By the way the treatments are not painful, and the needles are more like stiff hairs than scary needles. — Patsy W.

Patsy W's Story | Injured Shoulder

I want to put in a strong recommendation for Vel Natarajan’s acupuncture treatments. I have known Vel over 9 years and have found him to be one of the smartest and most sensible humans I know. So when I heard Vel was leaving the business world to study acupuncture and oriental medicine, I definitely took notice. If Vel thought oriental medicine was legit, it must be.
 Overcoming my innate fear of needles and pain, I decided to try acupuncture. I’ve had a bum shoulder for about 20 years and had just chalked it up to old age and arthritis, but this past summer it got worse and I couldn’t even swim. After 3 treatments with Vel my shoulder no longer has pain, and I have complete range of motion. I am so pleased that I thought I should spread the word. By the way the treatments are not painful, and the needles are more like stiff hairs than scary needles.
— Patsy W.
After injuring my shoulder and forearm I experienced a gradual loss of range of motion and the ability to grasp. Simply shaking hands with someone caused a great deal of pain. Vel completed a health history, discussed the circumstances related to my injury and completed a hands on evaluation to determine that acupuncture could help to alleviate the pain, increase range of motion and allow the healing process to begin. Throughout, Vel provided thorough and easy to understand explanations of each step of treatment. In just three treatments, I had regained almost full range of motion in my shoulder, had regained my grip and was now pain free. Thank You Vel! — Eric S.

Eric's Story | Injured Forearm & Shoulder

After injuring my shoulder and forearm I experienced a gradual loss of range of motion and the ability to grasp. Simply shaking hands with someone caused a great deal of pain.

Vel completed a health history, discussed the circumstances related to my injury and completed a hands on evaluation to determine that acupuncture could help to alleviate the pain, increase range of motion and allow the healing process to begin. Throughout, Vel provided thorough and easy to understand explanations of each step of treatment.

In just three treatments, I had regained almost full range of motion in my shoulder, had regained my grip and was now pain free.

Thank You Vel!
— Eric S.
After seeing Vel for many months now I have come to learn that he is destined for a successful career as a acupuncture and herbal medicine practitioner. His patient care (bedside manner, if you will) is extraordinary as he takes all the time necessary to assess and consider treatment options, and it all seems to come naturally to him as a caring human being. My issues have been treated not only with a simple plan of needles but many other supplement procedures and Vel, nothing seems to be too much trouble. I have had amazing success with improving my osteoarthritis and neuropathy. He has even helped with treatment of my occasional chest congestion and colds. I would recommend Vel to my friends and family as knowledgeable, trustworthy, qualified and generally a great guy to know...who really cares. — Ted R.

Ted R's Story | Osteoarthritis & Neuropathy

After seeing Vel for many months now I have come to learn that he is destined for a successful career as a acupuncture and herbal medicine practitioner. His patient care (bedside manner, if you will) is extraordinary as he takes all the time necessary to assess and consider treatment options, and it all seems to come naturally to him as a caring human being. My issues have been treated not only with a simple plan of needles but many other supplement procedures and techniques…to Vel, nothing seems to be too much trouble. I have had amazing success with improving my osteoarthritis and neuropathy. He has even helped with treatment of my occasional chest congestion and colds. I would recommend Vel to my friends and family as knowledgeable, trustworthy, qualified and generally a great guy to know…who really cares.
— Ted R.
I was treated by Vel for a variety of symptoms, which I had suffered from for months. I was experiencing digestive issues (nausea, diarrhea), fatigue, muscle soreness, hormone imbalances (from going off birth control), mood swings and just general discomfort. During that time I also came down with a bad cough and cold. In meeting Vel, I was immediately impressed by his demeanor as a doctor. When listening to my symptoms he asked questions that helped me further explain how I had been feeling. He identified issues I had been suffering from - hormone imbalance, weak spleen - on the very first appointment and I already felt better after that appointment. Understanding why I wasn't feeling well and how to treat the issues was an immediate mental relief, which was possible due Vel's thorough explanations. His demeanor as a doctor also made it very easy to discuss issues that I would typically, honestly, be embarrassed to discuss. Having a physician that one can trust is so important and hard to find. Vel has qualities that make that very easy. Over the two months that Vel treated me I experienced very valuable healing. My mood swings went away within weeks and my hormone imbalance also improved overall. I became less fatigued and was able to sleep, my muscle soreness went away and my digestive issues stabilized. Honestly, I felt like a new person at the end of the two months. I would absolutely recommend anyone to go to Vel for treatments and feel lucky that I got to. — Jenna B.

Jenna B's Story | Digestive Issue & General Discomfort

I was treated by Vel for a variety of symptoms, which I had suffered from for months. I was experiencing digestive issues (nausea, diarrhea), fatigue, muscle soreness, hormone imbalances (from going off birth control), mood swings and just general discomfort. During that time I also came down with a bad cough and cold.

In meeting Vel, I was immediately impressed by his demeanor as a doctor. When listening to my symptoms he asked questions that helped me further explain how I had been feeling. He identified issues I had been suffering from – hormone imbalance, weak spleen – on the very first appointment and I already felt better after that appointment. Understanding why I wasn’t feeling well and how to treat the issues was an immediate mental relief, which was possible due Vel’s thorough explanations. His demeanor as a doctor also made it very easy to discuss issues that I would typically, honestly, be embarrassed to discuss. Having a physician that one can trust is so important and hard to find. Vel has qualities that make that very easy.

Over the two months that Vel treated me I experienced very valuable healing. My mood swings went away within weeks and my hormone imbalance also improved overall. I became less fatigued and was able to sleep, my muscle soreness went away and my digestive issues stabilized. Honestly, I felt like a new person at the end of the two months. I would absolutely recommend anyone to go to Vel for treatments and feel lucky that I got to.
— Jenna B.
I came to Vel with chronic problems of fatigue, sore throat, dizziness, and nausea. He has been consistent in treating my superficial symptoms as well as getting to the root of the problem. I see him on a weekly basis and I can tell that I get stronger and stronger every time. His kindness and patience has meant the most to me. He understands that I have many layers of physical and emotional trauma that have built up over time. I feel safe in his care and my treatments with him give me hope that I can be rebuilt. I get very nervous about getting needled and he is fantastic at helping me breathe and relax. I am vegan and I have encountered several acupuncturists who are very vocal about their disapproval of the vegan diet. However, Vel has never once made any negative comments about my choice to abstain from animal products. Vel’s treatments have given me faith that I can be well one day and I see the positive impact on my health every day. I am always on pins and needles, excited to see the difference in my body, mind, and soul. And for this I am eternally grateful to Vel. — Mamie A.

Mamie A's Story | Fatigue & Illness

I came to Vel with chronic problems of fatigue, sore throat, dizziness, and nausea. He has been consistent in treating my superficial symptoms as well as getting to the root of the problem. I see him on a weekly basis and I can tell that I get stronger and stronger every time. His kindness and patience has meant the most to me. He understands that I have many layers of physical and emotional trauma that have built up over time. I feel safe in his care and my treatments with him give me hope that I can be rebuilt.

I get very nervous about getting needled and he is fantastic at helping me breathe and relax. I am vegan and I have encountered several acupuncturists who are very vocal about their disapproval of the vegan diet. However, Vel has never once made any negative comments about my choice to abstain from animal products.

Vel’s treatments have given me faith that I can be well one day and I see the positive impact on my health every day. I am always on pins and needles, excited to see the difference in my body, mind, and soul. And for this I am eternally grateful to Vel.
— Mamie A.
I had been having numbness and tingling in my right hand for years. Some days were worse than others and then it could be weeks when it was fine. I had an MRI and was told I had some bulging and some arthritis in the neck. I had PT for a while and it seemed to help but then it got to the point where I couldn’t even do any hand sewing for more than a couple of minutes before the hand was painful and numb. Since I sew for a living this was not good. I had heard about the great work Vel had done with others and decided to give it a shot. Within a few sessions the sensations were starting to get less. Gradually as he worked on my neck and hands things got much better. I was able to sit and watch a television show for an hour and stitch binding on a quilt without any problems. The big test came when I did a hundred mile bike ride. I had only a couple of times when my hand started to go numb but a quick shake or two of the wrist and it was fine. Besides having the treatments, Vel also gave me exercises to do to help keep things in alignment. I still get some numbness and tingling occasionally but mostly while biking and then it goes away quickly. I just need to keep doing my part. — Celeste B.

Celeste B's Story | Numbness & Tingling

I had been having numbness and tingling in my right hand for years. Some days were worse than others and then it could be weeks when it was fine. I had an MRI and was told I had some bulging and some arthritis in the neck. I had PT for a while and it seemed to help but then it got to the point where I couldn’t even do any hand sewing for more than a couple of minutes before the hand was painful and numb. Since I sew for a living this was not good. I had heard about the great work Vel had done with others and decided to give it a shot.

Within a few sessions the sensations were starting to get less. Gradually as he worked on my neck and hands things got much better. I was able to sit and watch a television show for an hour and stitch binding on a quilt without any problems. The big test came when I did a hundred mile bike ride. I had only a couple of times when my hand started to go numb but a quick shake or two of the wrist and it was fine. Besides having the treatments, Vel also gave me exercises to do to help keep things in alignment. I still get some numbness and tingling occasionally but mostly while biking and then it goes away quickly. I just need to keep doing my part.
— Celeste B.